Lou Antille
Lou Antille advises and assists her clients in contract law, company law, employment law and tenancy law. She also has a keen interest in health, medical and biotechnology law.
Master’s degree in law (Neuchâtel-Erasmus Heidelberg, 2024)
Professional experience
Associate, DVR Legal & Tax, since September 2024
Lawyer, RHNe, 2024
Trainee clerk-editor, Tribunal de l’arrondissement de la Broye, 2021-2022
Legal trainee, Centre Neuchâtelois de Psychiatrie, 2019-2020
Assistant to Professor Blaise Carron at the University of Neuchâtel (Chair of the Law of Obligations), 2019-2020
Personal details
Date of birth: 1995
Languages: German, French, Italian, English
Iliriana Dreni
Member of the Neuchâtel Bar
Iliriana Dreni advises and assists her clients in the areas of taxation, commercial law (particularly contract law) and company law. She also advises and assists clients in matters of social insurance and compulsory execution (debt collection and bankruptcy). She represents her clients before all judicial and administrative authorities.
Iliriana Dreni
Bar exam (Neuchâtel, 2022)
Master’s degree in law (Neuchâtel, 2020)
Professional experience
DVR Legal & Tax, since 2023
Lawyer KGG, from 2022 to 2023
Research associate at the University of Neuchâtel (Chair of Civil and Health Law, 2018-2020)
Personal details
Date of birth: 1997
Languages: French, German, English, Albanian
- La provision ad litem dans le cadre des mesures protectrices de l’union conjugale; analyse de l’arrêt du Tribunal fédéral 5A_590/2019, Newsletter DroitMatrimonial.ch April 2020
- La jurisprudence hésitante du Tribunal fédéral quant au moment de la déductibilité des intérêts moratoires, Archives de droit fiscale suisse 91 (2022/2023) [co-authors; Daniel de Vries Reilngh / Simon Varin]
Daniel de Vries Reilingh
Lawyer, LL.M., Dr in Law. Professor at the University of Fribourg. Qualified tax expert
Founder of the firm, Daniel de Vries Reilingh advises and assists his clients in the fields of Swiss and international taxation, commercial law (particularly contract law) and company law. He also represents his clients before all judicial and administrative authorities.
Daniel de Vries Reilingh
Doctorate in law (University of Neuchâtel, 2011)
Certified tax expert (2002)
Admitted to the bar (Berne, 1996)
LL.M. (Lancaster University, UK, 1994)
Law degree (University of Lausanne, 1993)
Professional experience (extracts)
DVR Legal & Tax, since 2023
Professor at the University of Fribourg, since 2022
Teaching intercantonal tax law :
- ExpertSuisse (training for qualified tax experts), since 2006
- CAS in taxation of SMEs (University of Neuchâtel/HEG-Arc NE, since 2017)
Lawyer KGG, 2011-2023
Federal Judge at the Federal Administrative Court (TAF), 2010-2011
Attorney Frôté & Partner, Neuchâtel/Bienne, 2008-2010
Lawyer Bourgeois Avocats, Lausanne, 2003-2008
Vaud Cantonal Tax Administration, 2001-2003
Professional and scientific associations
Member of the Ordre Romand des Experts Fiscaux Diplômés (OREF) and the Association Suisse des Experts Fiscaux Diplômés (ASEFID)
Member of the Committee of the Institute of Swiss and International Tax Law (Institut für Schweizerisches und Internationales Steuerrecht, Zurich)
Member of the Neuchâtel Bar Association
Member of the Swiss Bar Association
Member of ExpertSuisse and the Neuchâtel and Jura Order of ExpertSuisse
Personal details
Date of birth: 1971
Languages: French, German, English
See the following website: https://www.unifr.ch/ius/devries/fr/recherche/publications.html